The Kiss Cam is a scoreboard staple in arenas and stadiums around the world, but the Dallas Stars have something that puts it to shame. For years now, the Kiss Cam has swept across the stands, finding couples willing to pucker up for... well, I don't really know what anyone gets out of it, but it still happens and people do it. Take a gander at the Snackwards Cam. Apologies, if you can't unsee that. Hockey fans making chicken tenders materialize out of their mouths like some trick a terrible kids' party magician would do is horrific... but also weirdly mesmerizing. It's got that car crash factor going for it. You want to look away, but you also kind of want to see what it looks like when someone eats a slice of pizza in reverse. You can't explain it, but the reptilian part of your brain just wants to know. It was also nice to see Stars fans eating and drinking their concession stand finds instead of hucking them on the ice. I'm not sure whether or not other teams have had anything like this in the past. It sure seems to me like something that would've been tested at the minor-league level first. Maybe the Texas Stars tried it out, and when it got laughs and the stadium aisles weren't full of commitment, it got the green light to head to Dallas for its NHL debut. Whatever the case, I'm glad to see in-game entertainment evolving. Kiss Cams and helmet/puck shuffles have had their day, it's time for some more innovations like the Snackwards cam. Follow on X: @Matt_Reigle