Mother Of Girlfriend Accused Of Grooming Duke Star In High School Speaks Out, And It Went Poorly

Happy Fourth of July! What better way to celebrate America's birthday than with a wild update to an already wild story out of the NBA that involves some alleged "Mormon grooming" and "brainwashing."

That's right – the Kyle Filipowski story has taken a turn, and it's a DOOZY. 

Just one week after Filipowski's brother and mother sent social media into a tailspin by accusing his 27-year-old girlfriend of targeting him as a teenager with the sole purpose of getting a ring within three years – that's his mom's words, not mine – the mother of girlfriend (now fiancée) Cailtin Hutchison is speaking out. 

And, um … she didn't exactly come out of the gates swinging:

"There will be things forthcoming," Amanda Hutchison told the Daily Mail this week from her home in Madison, Alabama, adding that the couple is laying low amid the 'storm' of accusations.

"What we’ve always said to the kids is, for everything that’s good, if you have faith at all there will be adversaries, there's always a negative for every positive," she continued. "So it's how we weather those storms."

The Kyle Filipowski story takes another turn

Well … that's certainly a statement. Not sure it does anyone any good, besides me, of course, because now I have something to blog about on Fourth of July. But other than that? Yikes. 

I just figured – and this is just me – that if my kid was accused of child grooming someone in high school, and brainwashing teenagers for the sole purpose of getting married because she identified the kid early on as a potential NBA star, that I'd come out of the gates with a little more fire in my belly as a parent. You know?

I'd get hold of someone in the media (I'd choose OutKick, but they chose the Daily Mail, whatever) and start calling out the family of Kyle Filipowski for being a bunch of dirty, rotten, scumbag liars. Unless, of course, what they said wasn't exactly false. In that case, I'd be a little more reserved. 

Anyway, here's the quick background on this saga …

Kyle Filipowski – the Duke star who was wrapped up in that silly court-storming controversy earlier this year – dropped to the second round of last week's NBA Draft, which was somewhat surprising. As he was falling, some insiders pointed to his girlfriend, Caitlin Hutchinson, as the smoking gun. Something was off. 

That's where Kyle's brother, Daniel, and mom, Becky, come in:

That's not all! According to the Daily Mail, there were more posts from brother Daniel, along with some #cousintalk. 

According to Daniel, ‘My brother is a victim and was unfortunately a "perfect" pawn and target for this girl's lifelong scheme based on his human characteristics and growing potential as a high-level prospect which started taking place in 2019, exactly at the time when she began her pursuit of him.’

That would have made Filipowski just 15 years old when Hutchison ‘began her pursuit.’

In fact, has learned that Hutchison has known Filipowski since he was a child.

A tweet posted by Kyle's older brother Taylor, 24, in January 2017 shows a group shot including Filipowski to the far left and Hutchison in the center. Filipowski was 13 and Hutchison 20 at the time of the picture.

The caption reads, ‘#throwbackthursday to an amazing and fun day. Hanging out with my cousins again.’

Hutchison is not a blood cousin to Filipowski but, understands, their parents, Amanda and Kevin Hutchison, 55, and Rebecca and David Filipowski, 65, were at one point so close that their kids regarded each other as ‘family.’

Whew. That last one was a close one. I saw that caption and my heart stopped. Did this story just take the turn of all turns? Close, but no cigar. 

Anyway, Caitlin has obviously made her Instagram private as she "weathers the storm," but Kyle hasn't, which means I can still share this below picture from his high school prom. Enjoy!



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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.