Mike McDaniel Gave Dolphins Permission To Tell Media To 'Eff Off' Ahead Of Matchup With Cowboys, With All Due Respect Of Course
Outside of the fact that Mike McDaniel has turned the Miami Dolphins into one of the most exciting teams in the NFL since his arrival a season ago, one of his more likable qualities is his honesty with the media. And boy is he taking his candidness to a whole different level ahead of his team's showdown with the Dallas Cowboys.
The Dolphins are 10-4 this season and have looked impressive more often than not. However, given the fact that all 10 of their wins have come against opponents who are currently on the outside looking in on the playoffs, the narrative surrounding the Fins is that they may be pretenders.

Mike McDaniel doesn't mind if his players ignore the media in the lead up to the Dolphins' matchup with the Cowboys. (John McCall/Sun Sentinel/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)
McDaniel was specifically asked about that storyline hovering around his team and made it clear he doesn't concern himself with the headlines.
"The thoughts are firmly with getting better from this previous game and as I talked to the team today, I instructed the players that anything other than to concern yourself with the next opponent, which for us is the Dallas Cowboys, any other narrative that has to do with good teams or playoff seeds or the next three games, all that stuff," McDaniel explained.
While McDaniel can control himself and stay away from the noise, it's a little tougher to make sure his entire roster is doing the same. This led him to give permission to his players - with all due respect - to tell everyone in the media this week to "eff off."
"I gave them the clearance to tell all members of the media to – with all due respect – eff off, with all due respect. … Because all we’re focused on is the Dallas Cowboys and they definitely deserve our attention. So as we clean up our game from the previous, we’ll be thinking about that, and the narratives will be what they be and we’re not really concerned."
McDaniel said "with all due respect" not just once, but twice, therefore he gets a free pass. We all know the rule that if you say "with all due respect" before saying something controversial it can't actually be controversial.
McDaniel and the Miami faithful are certainly hopeful this ignoring of the narrative approach pays off against a Cowboys team this Sunday who will be looking to get a bad taste out of their mouth after getting blown out by the Buffalo Bills this past weekend.