Mets vs Yankees Featured a Drunk Grimace and Absolute Scenes Last Night

Last night's Yankees - Mets rain delay featured more entertainment than the 12-2 Mets victory itself.

With thunderstorms sending a waterfall of rain upon the Mets Citi Field ballpark, umpires called for the tarp in the fifth inning with one out as both teams and the Subway Series fanbases were going to wait it out.

Of course, with nothing to do except roam the corridors, many people turned to the best time-passing activity known to man - drinking alcohol.


It appears that not only humans but also McDonald's character Grimace even got in on the action himself as a fan in a costume began pounding beers while standing atop a bar cart. Hundreds of both Mets and Yankees fans joined together in unison to start cheering the purple creature as he began slugging his beer of choice - a Miller Lite.

Good to know that one thing we can all come together on is our love for a drunk Grimace, who has unofficially become the New York Mets mascot after a recent seven-game winning streak they went on since the McDonald's character threw out a first pitch for the team.

But this is New York we're talking about. Clearly, Grimace wasn't the only character that was out and about last night during the baseball rain delay. And as always, New Yorkers didn't disappoint for our amusement:

Ahh, nothing like the toxic sludge of a New York City ballpark rinsing right off on top of you.

Someone definitely needs to give that guy a Penicillin shot after this makeshift shower. 

With the Yankees losing six out of their last seven games, they could also use a bit of a shower and rinse this stench of poor play off. Meanwhile the Mets have shown resiliency as of late and are at .500.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.