Martin Navratilova Admonishes Democrats & The Left: 'My People Are Turning On Me'

The "Take Back Title IX 2024 Summer Bus Tour" made a stop in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday and tennis legend Martina Navratilova delivered a speech at the rally that perfectly encapsulated today's left-wing politics. 

"Our Bodies, Our Sports," a bipartisan coalition of women's advocacy groups, has been traveling around the country to push for fairness in women's sports, which means keeping women's sports for females only. 

Not simply because of the physical advantage that biological males hold over women, but also because of the myriad privacy and safety concerns that come into play. 

Martina Navratilova, one of the greatest female tennis players in history, staunchly favors keeping transgender athletes (biological males) out of women's sports because she knows better than anyone that men competing against women isn't fair. 

"The more we try to find a way to mitigate the advantage [of biological males]… the more we figured out it's not possible to do it in a fair way," she said. 

"As I got deeper into the issue, I also saw the connection between women's sex-based spaces and women's sports," she continued. "They are totally interconnected, and I'm sure the swimmers at Penn could tell you all about that. You heard about Lia Thomas, right?" 

Martina Navratilova says democrats turned on her because of her stance on transgender athletes competing in women's sports. 

This position goes against the hardcore left-wing politics that Navratilova has espoused for decades. The extreme left believes that the needs of transgender athletes should be put above all else, including female athletes

So, despite Navratilova being an "out" lesbian since 1981, she is seen as an enemy to the LGBTQ community. 

"I personally have never been called worse names than I have been called this last few years," the tennis legend said. "'Oh, you are a lesbian.' That was the worst I got [in the 1980s]… Now, it's 'oh, you're a homophobe.' Go figure. I've been out since '81. Yeah, I'm a homophobe." 

Navratilova isn't shy about her left-wing politics. She routinely attacks Donald Trump on social media and encourages her followers to vote for Joe Biden. She advocates for abortion. Even during this particular speech, she railed against the "patriarchy." 

But all of that isn't enough for the extreme left-wing, which believes that you are either 100% with them or 100% against them

"'You're a bigot. You're a transphobe. You're a Nazi. You're a fascist. You're a communist. Anything and everything in between," Navratilova said of the name-calling she receives. 

"And this is coming from the left. I am the left. My people are turning on me, and they're turning on us, women who speak up for women's sex-based rights." 

Despite the attacks, Navratilova won't turn her back on democrats, which seems crazy. 

"[They tell me] turn to the right. The right as in Trump? Yeah. No, I don't think so. I look at the whole body of work, and on that front, Democrats win by a landslide on this issue. We need to educate them," she said. 

The problem with this is that education isn't the issue. Well, it is, but only because the educational system in America leans hard to the left. 

And kids are being taught by democrats that identity politics outweigh everything else. No amount of "education" in science is going to change that. 

If it did, we wouldn't be having this discussion. The science is clear: men don't belong in women's sports, women's bathrooms or women's locker rooms. 

"We cannot have women's sports not being female," Navratilova concluded. "I think [the people in power] just don't know what they're doing right now… I'll be damned if I let the government dictate what kind of sports women and girls can compete in." 


Again, Navratilova is right on this issue. But the democrats are in power, and they are the ones pushing for biological males taking spots away from women and girls on sports teams and allowing them in female-only bathrooms and locker rooms. 

Hopefully, eventually, Navratilova realizes that this doesn't just apply to one issue. When an entire party is willing to eschew science and basic common sense in the name of "equity," the game has already been lost. 

As someone who lost very few games in her career, Martina Navratilova should understand that better than anyone.

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.