Ravens CB Marlon Humphrey Misses Trump's Tweets Like We All Do

There's been a lot of talk about former United States President Donald Trump over the last few days, and it would seem that No. 45 has been on the mind of Baltimore Ravens cornerback Marlon Humphrey too.

Specifically, the former Commander in Chief's old habits on Twitter, or as the kids call it now, X.

Humphrey hopped online to tweet his #UnpopularOpinion, which I think he learned pretty quickly is actually a pretty common take for anyone with an ounce of a sense of humor.

I mean, I think we all miss Trump tweets to varying degrees. In fact, I always used them as a litmus test that determines whether people have a sense of humor.

There would always be those who were like, "It's not funny that the president is tweeting like that," but they're wrong. A lot of Trump's tweets were objectively hilarious, and anyone who can't see that is either not funny or just trying to be difficult.

I mean, look at these:

It may be pre-presidency, but that tweet about Barney Frank's nipples (words I didn't expect to type when I woke up this morning) is one of the funniest things ever posted to social media.

I'm jealous I didn't write it. I'm legitimately jealous of an almost 13-year-old tweet about Barney Frank's protruding nipples.

A lot of us would be very happy if we had some new Trump tweets to read. There was really nothing funnier than him eviscerating House members you've never heard of unless you live in their state at like two in the morning.

That in itself is hilarious, plus, do you really believe that some other presidents wouldn't have done the same thing if they had social media? 

Just off the top of my head, I feel like LBJ would have for sure, Nixon probably would've (although he'd mess up and incriminate himself somehow), and if you combed through "Slick Willy" Clinton's likes, it'd be a who's who of OnlyFans models.

So, I'm with you Marlon, we all miss Trump's tweets. That's not an unpopular opinion at all.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.