Man From China Sets World Record For Spinning A Phone On His Finger In Performance For The Ages

World records can be stupid. Some are set simply because no one else wanted to set it. Like, I could set the record for most clothes pins attached to my face so easily if I really wanted to, I just don't.

However, other records — while incredibly stupid on the surface — require an incredible amount of skill, dexterity, and composure, as was the case when Chen Xiaoqing — the pride of Fuzhou, Fujian, China — set out to electrify the world with his phone-spinning skills.

It's exactly what it sounds like. Chen takes a smartphone and spins it on the tip of his finger like a Harlem Globetrotter would a basketball.

He's gotten so good at this bizarre skill that he decided to set the Guinness World Record for most spins in a minute, and it's one of the most electrifying minutes of watching a dude twirl a smartphone on his finger that you'll see anywhere.

I'm going to assume with the way he treats phones, Chen opted to spring for the extended warranty.

Anyway, 320 spins in a bit under a minute even with a couple of drops. I think that's what impressed me the most. If I was trying to smash the world record for phone spinning and I suffered a drop, it'd be over Johnny. My rhythm would be thrown off and I'd just be bobbling the phone with hands of stone so hard they'd make it look like Kadarius Toney's mitts were made of silky smooth butter.

It makes you wonder what Chen does for a living. It must be something so painfully boring that he's developed this strange skill out of necessity in the unending battle to maintain his sanity.

I mean, I feel like even a DMV is too exciting to make you that good at phone spinning. He may actually watch paint dry for a living.

Whatever the case, the end result is the same: color me impressed.

In fact, not since Conan O'Brien spun his wedding ring on his desk during the 2007-08 writers' strike or Britney Spears' latest Instagram post have I been this impressed by such a useless act of spinning.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.