Mad Dog Grills Stephen A. Smith For Hogging Spotlight During NBA Finals

Stephen A. Smith is suffering from severe ‘Main Character’ syndrome.

If he's on assignment for an NBA game, Stephen A. Smith isn't shy about hogging the spotlight. 

ESPN's Chris "Mad Dog" Russo noticed Smith's bombastic struts at the NBA Finals and made a playful mention of it on Wednesday's "First Take."

Mad Dog unleashed the truth on Smith.


"This is ridiculous," Russo said on Wednesday, concerning Stephen A. 

Doggy dug into the "First Take" host.

"He thinks he’s playing. How about him walking into Game 4 with the Celtics on Sunday night in Dallas. Steve, this is stupid," Russo added. 

Mad Dog continued, giving Smith the painful truth.

"You got a guy behind you. You got the cameras. What do you think, you’re gonna score 36 this night with the sunglasses on? I mean, this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in my life! How about going to the ballgame with a t-shirt on and a pair of shorts, sitting in the upper deck and having a beer with the fellas? Why are doing this? Look at this! This is laughable! We know you’re a star, Steve. OK? We know you’re a star. You don’t gotta show off!"

Stephen A. Smith is a veteran in the sports field and can surely take a jab from a co-host, considering he also likes to dish them out.

Smith responded to Mad Dog's call-out.

"I don’t ask for this," Smith said about his headline-grabbing entrances. "I roll up out of my car. I walk into the arena like I always do. I didn’t ask them to have a camera following me to show the walk!

"When you’re gonna roll up in an arena — to the fellas out there, the players — that’s how you need to look. Take notes."

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Alejandro Avila lives in Southern California and previously covered news for the LA Football Network. Jeopardy expert and grumpy sports fan. Known for having watched every movie and constant craving for dessert. @alejandroaveela (on X)