Luke Fickell Thinks He Would Destroy Mike Vrabel In A Wrestling Match: 'There's No Doubt'

Wisconsin football coach Luke Fickell has no doubt he would win any physical altercation against former teammate Mike Vrabel.

Before Fickell was a college coach and Vrabel was coaching in the NFL, the two were teammates for the Ohio State Buckeyes and apparently used to scrap.

There was just one major issue for the Tennessee Titans coach. Fickell was an all-American prep wrestler and won 106 matches in a row.

Luke Fickell believes he could physically take down Mike Vrabel.

It's been decades since the two played together in the 1990s, but if Vrabel wants to run it back with another wrestling match or physical altercation, Fickell doesn't think it'd last long.

"Oh, yeah. There's no doubt," Fickell immediately replied when asked if he could still take Vrabel during an appearance on Stadium's "The Rally."

Fickell also noted him and Vrabel and to relax with the battles because they simply just wouldn't end.

"Whoever gets the upper-hand one day, they're going to be back the next. Those things kind of go and don't ever end. So, we figured it out by about the fourth year of college that, 'Hey, let's just be on the same side and not worry about hunting someone down for the next month, year or however long it's going to take,'" Fickell joked.

Don't mess with wrestlers.

Generally speaking, wrestling or fighting is never a good idea unless it's done in a controlled environment.

It's a REALLY bad idea if it's a battle between one guy who knows what he's doing with formal training and someone who has no idea.

As rising MMA star Connor Matthews told me, the gap between someone with training and someone without is comically large. Even if you're big, your size won't save you against someone with solid training.

Luke Fickell is a very tall man at 6'4" and he has some muscle. The last publicly available information on him was that he's 245 pounds.

Good luck getting on the ground with someone that size who is a standout wrestler and expecting to win. It's just not going to happen.

So, as wild as some might think, I 100% believe Fickell would destroy Mike Vrabel in a wrestling match, MMA fight or any other physical altercation. Am I correct? Am I wrong? Give me your predictions in the comments below.