Lions Fans Appear To Be Mad Enough Over Controversial Loss To Cowboys To Buy Billboards

After a brutal loss, it's natural to go through some kind of grieving process. At least one Detroit Lions fan officially reached the stage of grief after their controversial loss to the Dallas Cowboys over the weekend and they're buying billboards to show it.

If you were in some kind of coma and missed it, the Lions lost following a controversial two-point conversion attempt in which offensive tackle Taylor Decker was deemed in an intelligible receiver. However, video showed him attempting to report as eligible to the official.

Long story short, Lions fans understandably didn't take this well.

WZYZ Detroit sports anchor and reporter Jeanna Trotman posted photos of some of these billboards. She said that they have been popping up along highways around Detroit.

I love this. I love a good grudge. However, I just think these would look better in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth. That would really give them some teeth.

Interestingly, at the bottom, it says "PFB Anonymous Donor."

Who could be behind these and why does it kind of feel like it might be Dan Campbell?

Buying Billboards Is A Great Way To Air Frustrations

It's been quite some time since I've priced billboards, so I'm not sure what they go for these days. What with the internet and people working from home more. I assume putting them in any major metropolitan area would be expensive.

Frankly, I’m glad I don’t have the kind of money to buy billboards any time I take umbrage with something. If I did, take a wild guess as to who would probably be buying a lot of billboards.

This got me thinking about whether or not I've ever gotten mad about something enough to buy a billboard. It has certainly been a while. The closest was either when the Flyers lost Game 6 of the 2010 Stanley Cup Final in overtime or when Conan lost the Tonight Show (which was also in 2010... that was a rough year).

Anyway you slice it, the Lions got screwed over the weekend. Now, whether that was because of the officials or if it was a product of their own attempts to confuse the Cowboys can be debated.

What can't be debated, is that Lions fans know how to air their grievances better than Frank Constanza on December 23.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.