Lewis Hamilton Talks About The Time He Took A Leak In His Car

Lewis Hamilton — I'm sorry, Sir Lewis Hamilton — has accomplished a lot throughout his Formula 1 career, and now he can cross being a guest on Hot Ones off the list.

Obscenely hot food has a way of making people spill some stories, and that's what Hamilton did.

He also spilled other things… in the cockpit of his Formula 1 car.

I feel like people like to ask drivers: have you ever peed in the car. Well, it turns out that Lewis has.

He was telling host Sean Evans about his routine when it comes to getting into the car, and it involves emptying the ol' bladder as much as possible and as late as possible.

"I just can't bring myself to pee myself," he said.

"Be honest," Evans said. "Have you ever?"

"I. have once. It was in Singapore," Hamilton responded.

I had a suspicion that Singapore would've been the culprit. It is often regarded as one of the most physically demanding races of the season, thanks to the intense heat and humidity coupled with the nature of it being a street circuit, meaning turns and braking zones are everywhere.

Although Qatar is giving it a run with drivers retiring from heat exhaustion and throwing up in their helmets…

Anyway, back to Lewis pissing himself.

"It was maybe two or three years ago," he explained. "And basically the safety car came out, and I was behind the safety car like, ‘I’m dying."

We've all been there, and Hamilton explained how the g-forces he and his fellow F1 drivers pull really messes with that full load of that morning's coffee.

Still, letting it all empty into your firesuit is easier said than done.

"I remember trying to go," Lewis said. "And I really had to force it. But luckily I haven't had to do it [more]. Only once."

Well, I'm sure the guys and gals in Brackley were thrilled about this when the car got back to the Mercedes Factory…

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.