Lane Kiffin Makes Passionate Plea For Ole Miss To Get Some Bowl Respect

Lane Kiffin wants to see Ole Miss in a great bowl game, and he believes the Rebels have earned it.

Ole Miss improved to 10-2 after beating Mississippi State Thursday night in the Egg Bowl. It's just the fourth 10-win season since 2003, and Kiffin has two of them.

The Rebels have, once again, proven to be competitive under Kiffin's leadership and he wants to see Ole Miss be rewarded with a solid bowl game.

Lane Kiffin makes his pitch for Ole Miss to land in a great bowl game.

"I think this one is a pretty good argument where you went 10-2. Super hard schedule. Even in your non-conference for the most part, people for the most part played well, but your two losses are at Alabama and Georgia. The two people going to the SEC playing as well as anyone in the country…At their place! So, I'd like to see the other 10-2 people and their losses, and I would doubt their losses are going to be harder than those two places to play," Kiffin told the media after beating Mississippi State.

You can listen to Lane Kiffin's full comments, and send me your reactions to

Kiffin is correct with his assessment of the Rebels.

There's no doubt Lane Kiffin is correct that Ole Miss deserves a great bowl game. That's true for any 10-win P5 team, but it's especially true when playing in arguably the toughest division in college football.

Ole Miss has wins over Tulane, LSU, Auburn and Texas A&M, and while none of those are truly spectacular, those are four solid wins - especially LSU and Tulane. As Lane Kiffin pointed out, the team's only two losses are to Georgia (11-) and Alabama (10-1) on the road.

The Bulldogs and Crimson Tide are both firmly in the national title race. Yes, losing is always bad, but how much should a 10-2 team be punished for losing to two legit contenders?

The good news for Kiffin and Ole Miss is a NY6 bowl is almost certainly going to happen. In what world would a 10-2 SEC team be relegated to a second tier bowl game?

Rebels fans can breathe easy. Everything should be just fine, even if Kiffin didn't make a very analytical and heartfelt pitch.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.