KHL Gonna KHL: Russian Hockey Player Drops His Phone On The Ice During Game

I've always found the Kontinental Hockey League, or KHL, wildly fascinating because while it's one of the top leagues in the world, it often seems like the bizarro NHL.

At times, it looks NHL, but then you see things happen where you're just like, "What is going on here?" and we got one of those moments courtesy of Ak-Bars Kazan forward Nikita Dynyak.

Over the weekend, Dynyak and Ak-Bars were playing what looked to my untrained KHL eye to be Avangard Omsk, when the 27-year-old carried the puck through the neutral zone.

While he was successful as far as carrying the puck was concerned, he wasn't as successful when it came to carrying his cell phone.

This video broke my brain the way that phone would have broken had Dynyak not had a case on it.

I don't know if you've ever worn hockey gear, but there are no pockets, probably because there's no need to carry anything.

I don't know if Dynyak was waiting for a text from a chick or was afraid he'd think of some kick-ass tweet during the game and would forget it by the time he got to the locker room, but there's no reason to have your phone.

However, Dynyak said that he had his phone on him by accident and offered the most Russian analogy I've ever heard in my life to explain how one could forget they have their phone on him like this.

"I had it on the shelf behind me, I put it down, took off my elbow pads and when I turned around, it fell behind me. And I didn't feel anything." he said." Like putting a cigarette behind your ear and not feeling it. I went out and didn't understand anything at first."

I promise you: the KHL is the only league on the planet where this could happen and the player who did it would say, "It's kind of like when you stick a lung dart behind your ear…"

What a league. Someday we need a documentary about the KHL. Just get a bunch of dudes who played over there telling their best stories for an hour and a half.

I would watch that and so would you.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.