Keanu Reeves Just Signed A One-Day Deal In The Ontario Hockey League

Actor Keanu Reeves is an interesting dude, and one of the things people don't always realize is that he was a legitimately good hockey player when he was growing up in Canada.

According to, The John Wick star and bassist for the band Dogstar grew up in Toronto and played goalie. As a teenager, he tried out for the Ontario Hockey League's Windsor Spitfires in hopes of continuing his hockey career through the Canadian junior hockey ranks.

However, that fell apart due to injury.

Of course, we all know things worked out A-oh-kay for Keanu Reeves, and he went on to find a lot of success in Hollywood, even playing a goalie in the 1986 movie Youngblood.

 Still, he's surely been living with a pretty big "What if?" question about what could have happened to his hockey career had he stayed healthy.

Well, the Spitfires — by the way, can we all agree that that's one of the best names in hockey? — did something very cool and signed Reeves to a one-day deal this week.

Of course, at 59 years old, he's a few decades past OHL playing age, but the ceremonial gesture is pretty cool.

Even cooler, the Spitfires plan to auction off the items that Reeves signed to raise some money for the Canadian Mental Health Association of Windsor-Essex.

That's a cool moment for the Spitfires and Reeves.

One of my goals in life is to sign a ceremonial one-day contract. I didn't make a junior team when I was the right age either. The only difference was it wasn't because of injury, I just wasn't that good.

But if any OHL teams are looking to bring on a 29-year-old with one of the crispest breakout passes mid-tier beer leagues have ever seen for a one-day deal I think I know a guy…

Do you know who that guy is? Go ahead, take one good guess…

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.