Kay Adams Floats Diabolical Conspiracy Theory About Bill Belichick, Kyle Shanahan

Queen Kay Adams rested up after a solid summer vacation and back on the NFL beat as training camps get underway this week. 

OutKick's favorite football correspondent jumped back in head first yesterday out in LA, taking a trip over to Rams' camp and sitting down with Sean McVay. The two yucked it up for a few minutes – which is easy to do given McVay's a genius and Kay is hot – and then our girl went for the jugular. 

"Do you feel responsible for Belichick not having a job?" she asked, before diving into a diabolical conspiracy theory that raised eyebrows all over Southern California. 

Kay Adams has Sean McVay's head spinning

God, I love Kay Adams. You won't find a better NFL correspondent in the world. Not possible. Trying to stir up drama on Day 1 of training camp? Electric. 

She's a content machine, on and off the field. So is the NFC West, which features a couple firecrackers in Sean McVay and Kyle Shanahan. What a rivalry. 

For those who don't know what Kay is talking about, news came out this week that Kyle reportedly handed Bill Belichick a blank check after he was canned and begged him to come work out west. Belichick politely declined and instead decided to spend his summer with 23-year-old girlfriend Jordon Hudson. 

If anyone should respect that move, I'd imagine it would be Kyle Shanahan and/or Sean McVay. Lord knows I do. 

"I did, I threw it out to him. He loves football so much that you never know what he ... I can't believe he's not a head coach of a team right now," Shanahan told "The TK Show" podcast earlier this week. 

"I know what I would do if I was an owner so that shocks me and the last thing you want to do is insult someone like Bill Belichick. 

"But I know he just loves ball in its simplest form, so I threw it all out to him, whatever he wanted to do, (including defensive coordinator). I was like 'Would you be interested?' And he was very nice and appreciative, and he politely turned me down."

Sorry, Kyle. Bill has bikes to ride in Nantucket. Maybe another time. And if/when it does happen, we know Queen Kay Adams will be the first to break the news. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.