Justin Tucker Faces More Accusations Of Inappropriate Conduct At Massage Parlors

Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker is facing three additional accusations from massage therapists of inappropriate behavior. 

Tucker previously was accused of alleged sexually inappropriate conduct by six massage therapists. 

The Baltimore Banner reported that it has now spoken with nine massage therapists at several spas in the Baltimore area who shared alleged misbehavior from Tucker mostly stretching from the mid-2010's. 

The new accusations were of a similar nature to the initial six, with the Banner reporting that one woman said Tucker allegedly "stroked her inner thigh during a massage" and left what she believed to be "ejaculate on the table." 

One former employee from men's spa The QG filed an internal report that she shared with the Banner.

"I understand that Justin Tucker is an important client to The QG, but as an employee of The QG who has tolerated the previous interactions with him, I no longer feel safe or comfortable working with him," the letter says.

Allegations Against Justin Tucker Expand

Two spas reportedly banned Tucker from returning, after he allegedly exposed his genitals during several treatments from 2012-2016. 

Attorneys for Tucker responded to the new reporting by pointing back to his statement posted on X. That statement said he "did not act inappropriately at any point before, during or after a professional bodywork treatment session." It also described the reports as "desperate tabloid fodder."

Tucker also said that the Banner has been "deliberately misconstruing events as nefarious," and "relying on third party speculation to create the false, preconceived narrative about me that they believed would generate clicks."

"I cannot be any clearer," the statement says. "These accusations are false and incredibly hurtful to both me, and more importantly, my family."

The Ravens have said they "take any allegations of this nature seriously and will continue to monitor the situation," and the NFL has also acknowledged the allegations and said it will "look into the matter."

Tucker signed a four-year, $24 million extension with the Ravens in 2022. 

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.