Just Perfect: Two Bowlers Toss 300s at USBC Open Championships

Bowling a perfect game is a tall task. Two pros doing it at the same competition is a near miracle.

But that's what happened Sunday, when Wesley Low Jr. and Matthew Priore each accomplished the feat at the Bowling Congress Open Championships.

"I decided after four games of my ball really not going through the pins well, and four different balls, to start trying to hook it as hard as I could and see what happened," said Low, a five-time world champion. "I had good ball reaction but just couldn't carry."

Clearly, his adjustment worked.

The USBC kicked off its 79-day run on May 1, and the perfect games were the 11th and 12th since the event began -- but first on the same day. Five perfect games came during team competition, five more came in singles and two in doubles. Low is one of two left-handers in that group.

Meanwhile, Priore's experience was particularly noteworthy, considering he just returned to the sport.

"I don't even know what to believe," he said. "Once quarantine hit (March 2020), I stopped bowling and haven't picked up a ball since. I knew we were coming out here, but I've been working crazy hours and didn't even have a chance to practice. The first few shots here were my practice."