Jose Canseco Wishes Alex Rodriguez 'Happy Pride Month'

We've reached that point in the sports calendar where there isn't a ton going on. The NBA and NHL are wrapping up, the MLB is starting to hit the dog days of summer and the NFL is still three months away. That can make it tough for sports writers to find interesting things to write about.

That's why when my wife texted me a tweet, I was intrigued. Normally, I'd have dismissed such a tweet if it were, say, the middle of the NFL season. But on a Sunday in June, I was curious. Why did Jose Canseco post "Happy Pride Month to Alex Rodriguez"? 

About an hour before this post, Canseco wrote "Happy Saturday to everyone except one guy." 

Going into this, I had no idea what the backstory was. Perhaps shame on me, but I asked a few other people if they knew of a beef between Canseco and Alex Rodriguez. If anything, one would think that Rodriguez hates Canseco, who outed A-Rod's steroid usage well before Rodriguez ever admitted to it. 

But for some reason, this is a one-sided feud that Canseco started years ago.

The actual origins of the feud seem to come from a claim that Canseco made in his book, Vindicated (2008). In the book, Canseco alleges that Alex Rodriguez pursued his former wife, Jessica Canseco. 

Over a decade later, Canseco claimed that Rodriguez was cheating on Jennifer Lopez with Jessica. 

That led to the Easter tweet a year later, and now here we are, four years after that, with Canseco wishing Rodriguez "Happy Pride Month." To the best of my research, I don't see a single response that Rodriguez has ever made to one of Canseco's social media posts (Canseco also challenged him to a boxing match at one point). 

It looks like A-Rod has decided to take the high road. Canseco, not so much. 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.