Joakim Noah Speaks For All Of Society,Wants Kids To Get Off Their Damn Phones
Former NBA center Joakim Noah is as tired of kids being glued to their phones as the rest of us.
(Yeah, you guess it, I'm an irritated dad).
Noah, 37, can't stand that kids are head down in their devices instead of present and in the moment. Even moreso, he's irked when athletes are too busy Snapchatting and TikToking to lock in and be a good teammate.
He said as much over the NBA's All-Star weekend when speaking with a group of youth basketball players. His message was about being a good teammate.
"I go into locker rooms and I see kids on their phones," said a clearly bothered Noah. "Like all day. Scrolling...scrolling!"
What's so pleasing about this (other than his obviously annoyance) is that my half-assed internet research (no Big J's here), tells me that Noah's not even a dad. But get this man some New Balance's and khakis pronto, he's an honorary member.
Noah Was A Two-Time NBA All-Star
"You want to be a good teammate, get off your phone and stay locked in on what you got to do," Joakim Noah added. "You could do all that scrolling shit later."
Can I get an Amen!
At this point of Noah's speech, the youth players were probably doing mental gymnastics trying to figure out how they could tell their friends and families about Noah's words without posting video proof via their app of the month.

Joakim Noah is fed up with kids being on their phones and in turn, not being good teammates. (Photo by Joe Murphy/NBAE via Getty Images).
Noah told the players how much he misses the locker room and how different locker rooms are now from when he was playing. "We're wasting time," Noah insisted. "You guys have dreams, real dreams to play at the high level...playoffs...
"That scrolling is not gonna help you when you hit the playoffs."
Joakim would know. He's a veteran of 13 NBA seasons, played in 62 career playoff games and was a two-time NCAA champion at the University of Florida.
"I see it all the time with these kids just on the phones. Get off the phones and focus on what you gotta do," Noah implored.
On behalf of annoyed parents and, really, all of society, thank you for the much needed PSA, Joakim.
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