Jim Palmer Suing Former Friend For Defrauding Family Out Of Millions In Disgusting Fashion

Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Palmer is calling out a former friend for allegedly defrauding him and his wife for over $1 million.

According to a recently filed lawsuit, the Baltimore Orioles legend claims that his hair stylist Warren Holmes "misrepresented himself" as a successful British entrepreneur. He later asked Palmer for multiple personal loans in order to be able to launch a beauty product line.

The lawsuit was filed after Holmes asked for an additional $2.5 million after failing to secure anything he promised he initially would with the original investments.


Jim says that the reason they entrusted Holmes so much was because he befriended their 27-year-old autistic stepson Spencer. With Jim already being 78-years-old and not getting any younger and his wife being predisposed to a family history of Alzheimer's the Palmer's wanted to make sure their son would be in good hands if God forbid something happened. The Palmer's even placed Holmes as Spencer's guardian and trust manager.

"Whether he hoodwinked us or not, there is no way in the world he could have without ingratiating himself into our family and giving us the feeling that if anything happened to me. I'm 21-years-older than Susan, and if Susan had some kind of memory issue or whatever, that he [Holmes] was going to take care of Spencer," the Orioles great told The Athletic.


Both the Palmers and Holmes are supposed to meet in court in February. The problem is cops can't even find Holmes to serve him. He literally peace'd out with the money and is on the run somewhere. So if you're an Orioles fan keep an eye out and help out your team great!

"We funded the money to supposedly realize his dream, to allow him to be what he wanted to be. And then he just disappeared," the Cy Young Award winner Palmer said while adding that he doesn't expect to get his loans back based on Holmes situation.

'We understand people are going to think we are the most gullible people on the face of the earth... Well, OK. I just want to make sure he doesn't do this again," said Susan.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.