It all makes sense now! That's what New York Jets star cornerback Ahmad ‘Sauce' Gardner believes as to why his quarterback Aaron Rodgers has been leaving him on "read." It's because Aaron Rodgers may be heading into politics, because of course Aaron could be. RODGERS HASN'T BEEN RESPONDING TO SAUCE'S TEXTS "Ohhh, Aaron about to become the VP. That's why he ain't been answering my text messages," the 2x Pro Bowler tweeted, followed by a thinking emoji. The hilariously passive tweet comes in response to a new report on Tuesday that claimed that Aaron Rodgers is on Robert F. Kennedy Jr's short list to be his potential Vice Presidential running mate. According to Rebecca Davis O'Brien of the New York Times, RFK has expressed interest in both Rodgers and former WWE star and Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura. Kennedy continues to be "pretty continuously" in contact with Rodgers regarding his candidacy, with Rodgers apparently being "welcoming to the overtures," per O'Brien's report. RFK. JR AND AARON RODGERS HOLD SIMILAR POLITICAL BELIEFS Sorry, Sauce. We've all been there - just ask Tyreek Hill about Travis Kelce. Just when you think you know somebody! It's like when you text someone you thought they were your friend, and they never respond, but then you run into them with a bunch of other people at the bar. It's not a great feeling. Stings like a bitter cold Sunday morning of football. In Sauce's case, however, his quarterback may be selling him out, so he can shake hands and hold babies for photo ops as he and RFK look to tear down the establishment and Big Pharma. It's unclear if this is another one of Rodgers' ayahuasca-inspired trips or if he's actually serious about transitioning into politics. As a Jets fan - I hate the move. I need my quarterback to be fully focused on the upcoming season and how he's going to survive behind a mediocre-at-best offensive line. But as an American and someone who loves sticking it to the mainstream media and the elites? I'm all about Rodgers getting involved. As we saw with the Left's freak-out during Rodgers' Pat McAfee appearances in which he blasted the Covid vaccine and more, they absolutely hate him for calling them all out. We'll see if Aaron Rodgers will be able to pick apart the corrupt powers-that-be, as he has been able to do with NFL defenses across the league. HIT ME UP: Do you think Aaron Rodgers will run for office with RFK JR? Tweet me: @TheGunzShow or email me at: