NBA Player Isaiah Thomas Is Not Impressed By White House Lawn

Not including that belonging to Thursday Night Mowing League commissioner, OutKick's own Joe Kinsey, is there a more iconic and famous lawn in all the United States than the South Lawn of the White House?

I mean, maybe the lawn behind OJ Simpson's house where they found the bloody gloves… meh, now White House South Lawn is still more notable.

But then why — as iconic as it is — does it look like it was mowed by a 15-year-old spending the summer cutting grass to save up money for PlayStation?

That's what I want to know and it's what Isaiah Thomas wants to know too.

President Joe Biden posted a photo (or rather whichever White House staffer who runs his X accounts posted) of him returning to the White House after a bout with COVID.

I bet it is great to be back. Too bad the DNC wouldn't let him try to extend the lease…

But take a gander at the lawn behind him. I've seen Waffle Houses with better lawns than the White House.

I know the South Lawn can take a beating over the course of the year, what with Easter Egg rolls and transgender activist flashing their boobs out there, but can't we do a little bit better on the grass care front?

But don't take it from me, a guy who lives in an apartment and therefore doesn't have to mow. Take it from NBA player Isaiah Thomas, who did his duty as an American to call out such shameful mowing.

The former King, Celtic, Sun, Wizard, Laker, Hornet, Cavalier — *giant inhale* — Nugget, Pelican, and Maverick is right. Someone and their zero-turn radius mower were unprepared for the bright lights of mowing 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

I don't know if they forgot to aerate or had the blade set too low or what, but that South Lawn has really gone south.

Hopefully, they get all resources onboard to fix the problem…

It's not like all kinds of other issues at home and abroad need tending too.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.