IIHF World Championship’s Star Wars Cam Takes No Prisoners

The IIHF World Championship in Czechia is winding down with the championship game taking place on May 26. While the hockey has been great, we've got to take a second to talk about the tournament's ruthless Star Wars cam.

We've all been to games where they do fun stuff on the Jumbotron during TV timeouts. One surefire crowd-pleaser is to scan the crowd for people who look like celebrities and show them side by side with their famous doppelgangers.

Well, they've been doing this in Czechia quite a bit and posting the results on social media, but I was in awe of the way the Star Wars cam didn't pull any punches.

There were some good ones in there (and I wouldn't be shocked if the Rey lookalike was inundated with phone numbers from potential suitors), but they did a few people dirty in the funniest way possible.

I mean, when you limit the possibilities to Star Wars characters you're a little limited. 

Guy with long hair and a goatee? Hello, Qui Gon…

Hairy dude? Hello, Chewie.

Guy who looks nothing like Sir Christopher Lee but has gray hair? That works for Count Dooku.

But if ever there was a fan cam that would have me sweating it a little bit it'd be this one. The human characters aside, there's not one Star Wars character that if someone said, "Hey, you look _______ from Star Wars," you'd be flattered.

Take the guy who was christened the spitting image of Jabba the Hutt.

The moment Jabba appeared on screen, I guarantee everyone in that arena tensed up and grabbed onto their armrests in hopes of channeling the force that anyone other than them appears on the screen next to a giant, drooling space slug mob boss.

Tough break for that dude, but at least the home team was shellacking the British 4-1 with just under four minutes to play in the second period. That ended up being the final score.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.