Every House Democrat Voted Against Protecting Women's Sports And Private Spaces

Ever since President Joe Biden announced changes to Title IX that would allow biological males who identify as females to receive the same benefits of biological females in higher education, Republicans have been working to reverse the decision.

The Title IX rewrite creates myriad issues for women in higher education, including allowing any man who identifies as a woman to take educational opportunities away from women and grants those males access to women-only spaces like bathrooms and locker rooms. 

To fight this, House Republicans introduced HJ Res. 165. The resolution is an attempt to make sure that Title IX, initially passed in 1972, continues to serve its original purpose – to protect women. 

Republicans want Title IX to be based on sex. Democrats, though, want it to be based on gender identity. Sex is scientifically determined. Gender is determined by feelings. 

HJ Res. 165 came to a vote in the House of Representatives on Thursday and passed by a 210-205 margin. The vote was divided exactly along party lines. Every Republican voted "yea" and every democrat voted "nay." 

Riley Gaines, host of the OutKick podcast "Gaines for Girls" and one of the most influential pro-woman voices in the country, reacted strongly to the 205 Representatives who voted "nay" to protecting women's sports and private spaces. 

This is an easy issue for the majority of American citizens. Biological males do not belong in women's sports, bathrooms and locker rooms. Yet, Democrats continue to push "inclusivity" above safety and privacy for women. 

The Biden Administration re-write of Title IX is the antithesis of everything that the law sought to accomplish. 

It defies science and logic to continue the push to eliminate sex-based sports and spaces and replace them with gender-based separation. 

There are plenty of examples of biological males physically hurting females during competitions, and that doesn't take into account the psychological damage done to many young girls when forced to share private spaces with biological males. 

The same party that believes abortion limitations are an "attack on women's bodies" are perfectly fine with biological males taking opportunities, privacy and safety away from women. 

Seems a bit hypocritical, doesn't it? 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.