Hobby Horsing Is Poised To Take Over The Sports World And There's Nothing You Can Do About It

There's a good argument to be made that equestrian isn't a sport that belongs at the Olympics, but given the full head of steam it's been getting, hobby horsing might be a good replacement for it.

Because it is having a moment right now. There hasn't been this much buzz about horse heads since one ended up in Jack Woltz's bed.

According to Metro, hobby horsing — adults prancing around on one of those horse heads on a stick that you can usually find at Cracker Barrel — is getting some serious heat on TikTok, the official home of stupid ideas.

As ridiculous as it sounds hobby horsing is getting some serious popularity around the globe. OutKick's own Amber Harding put a video of a 16-year-old trying to legitimize the sport in Nightcaps a few weeks ago. 

But while some are waking up to the emergence of hobby horsing, it's especially popular in Finland where it all began.

I don't know why, but for some reason this being a product of Finland sounds right. Finland's cold enough that you need something to do in the winter, and trotting around on a fake horse sounds like something the Finns would be big on.

Saunas and hobby horsing. It's the Finnish way.

So, as the home of competitive hobby horsing, Finland played host to the world championships where hundreds of athletes did their best to pretend they were riding horses.

It's horrifying and incredibly graceful at the same time, isn't it? Like watching Jason Voorhees figure skate.

I wouldn't be caught dead competing in this, but, at the same time, I also feel like I'd be really good at it. I just have good balance and coordination, plus I've been told I'm pretty good at being a horse's ass. 

I may have been born to hobby horse.

Is it completely bizarre? Yes. But it looks an awful lot like the nerds who gather on the quad with broomsticks and dodgeballs for a game of Quiditch, or whatever they call it now that they can't handle JK Rowling's correct takes on human biology.

Sure, it's goofy as hell for adults to run around on kids toys, but they're not hurting anybody (although, let me tell you, if a hobby horsing fight ever breaks out, that video will go insanely viral. It'd be like five Hawk Tuah girls). People found something they like doing that gets them some exercise. That's great.

Now, how long do we give it before some school starts giving our hobby horsing scholarships? At this rate, maybe 10 years?

I wouldn't be shocked if San Francisco State wasn't already kicking the tires on it.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.