A high school student in California has received a tremendous amount of attention this week for her passionate speech about protecting the safety of girls and women in sports. The student, Rylee Morrow, who is a cross country runner at Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, CA, spoke in front of the Riverside school district about the absurdity of modern academic administrators. And their prioritizing of certain groups with a clear political goal in mind. Morrow was discussing a lawsuit filed by her teammates after their "Save Girls Sports" t-shirts were described as being like a swastika by school officials. The girls allege that a transgender athlete was placed on the varsity team by the school despite rarely attending practices or meeting eligibility requirements. Unsurprisingly, the school did not take well to criticism of how it handled the situation. According to the plaintiffs' lawsuit, school officials forced the students to remove or cover up their clothes, saying they created a "hostile" environment and making swastika comparisons. In front of a Jewish student, no less. Sounds very much like the experience of OutKick's Riley Gaines, as well as opponents of SJSU's Blaire Fleming. Transgender Athletes Continue To Impact Women's Sports Morrow's speech detailed how the school's actions have impacted her and her teammates, in graphic detail. "It is not OK that I have to be in a position where I'm going to practice and have to see a male in booty shorts and having to see that around me," she said. "I'm constantly affected by the actions taken place this season, and I have been around the females, and just my team in general, who have felt almost silenced to speak out about it, because the whole LGBTQ is shoved down our throats!" Morrow continued. "We live in a society where it's almost impossible to speak out on it without facing repercussions." "It feels as though that my school and the school district is choosing to support one person instead of the whole team," Morrow said. "To see the athletic director turn around and tell my teammates that their shirts that say, ‘Save girl's sports' be compared to a swastika, that is not okay. These girls feel silenced, they felt silenced, and when they finally did something to speak out against it . . . they were completely stabbed in the back." This is emblematic of how the modern administrative world works. The desires and wishes of a privileged few are put above those who are actually affected. Meanwhile, those in positions of power are protected from consequences and demand that their political ideology be enforced and prioritized over the concerns of young girls and women. Comparing "Save girls sports" to swastika's is unacceptable, inappropriate and absurd. In short, it's a perfect example of the extremism of transgender activism. Which has, unfortunately, completely captured the administrative state in the academic world.