Guy Has Literal Receipts After Getting Accused Of Being A Bandwagon Lions Fan Who Doesn't Have Season Tickets

Every fan of a long-suffering team has had a moment where the team's fortunes start to change for the better, and with that come accusations that you're one of the many fans who have jumped on the bandwagon once the team stopped sucking.

It would seem that some Detroit Lions fans are finding themselves in this position after a strong 2023 season that saw them make a run to the NFC Championship Game.

We'll see if they remain one of the NFC's top dogs (cats?) when they get their season underway on Sunday night against the Los Angeles Rams.

Nonetheless, bandwagon accusations have been bandied about, but one fan made sure he had receipts — in the most literal sense possible — to prove that he has been with the Lions through the highs and lows.

 X user Michael Luchies hit back at a photo that appeared to insinuate that the Lions were having trouble filling seats.

Because this is the internet we're talking about, this led to a debate with another user who thought they had stuck the final nail in the proverbial coffin by claiming that Luchies was not a Lions season ticket holder and had never been one.

That was a bigger mistake than that dude probably realized when he sent that tweet (probably while on the can, if we're being honest), because Luchies decided to dig through the archives and got his season ticket invoices, including from the 2008 season.

Y'know, the one that featured the 0-16 Lions?

You don't have to look hard to see a couple of people going at it with each other on social media, but you don't see someone posterize the other guy to the degree that Luchies did all that often.

So, let that serve as a reminder that if you're going to go at it online, cross your fingers that it isn't with a dude who hangs on to his season ticket invoices.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.