9-Year-Old Girl Gets Her ‘Biggest Buck Ever’ …Only For Its Antlers To Shed Immediately After
Imagine getting the biggest, most beautiful 10-point buck of your life — only for all those points to immediately fall off. That's exactly what happened to 9-year-old Jaylen, whose white tail deer shed its antlers just after she shot it last week.
Brandon Quandt, the face behind the KILLIN' IT YouTube channel and part of the Drury Outdoors family, was recently out on a late-season hunt with Jaylen when the bizarre incident occurred.
"Jaylen, 9 years old, climbed into the stand with high hopes," Drury Outdoors posted on Facebook. "As daylight faded, her target buck that ended up getting sick stepped into range. She made a fantastic shot with minutes to spare!
"But the real surprise came during the recovery. They found his antlers lying on the ground- he has shed his rack on the way down! Jaylen’s biggest buck yet turned into a memory she’ll never forget!"
Bucks, of course, shed their antlers every year — usually between January and March. Bucks that are in poor health or injured may shed their antlers sooner. But the odds of witnessing the event just a split second after pulling the trigger are slim to none.
Jaylen seemed to be in good spirits, and folks in the comments were quick to weigh in.
Tag it as a doe, save that buck tag.
It now identifies as an antler-less deer.
That’s seriously one amazing memory! How many other people can say they have one like it?!
Awesome buck young lady! That was such a perfect shot that it knocked the antlers right off his head!
Great buck and sorry about the horns. The taxidermist knows how to reattach them.

(Getty Images)
Oh, well. Nothing a little superglue can't fix!