Gilbert Arenas Sounds Off About The LGBTQ Community: 'Most Unfair Group Walking The Planet'

Gilbert Arenas has never been one to not speak his mind. No matter how controversial his opinion on something may be, he doesn't have a filter, and his latest comments about the LGBTQ community are just the latest example of that.

The three-time NBA All-Star believes that the LGBTQ community is the "most unfair group walking the planet right now."


Arenas sat down with Vlad TV and talked about the LGBTQ "playbook" and how every straight person, or a person who simply doesn't know the playbook, is constantly being judged and canceled in some cases.

“They have a playbook that only they are playing by, that they can only see, no one else gets to see this playbook, but we’re being judged by everything that’s in this playbook, but we don’t know it.”

"So, it's like, there is no open dialogue about what is appropriate and what's not. We only find out after we f-ck up and that's unfair. That's f-cking unfair you can't do that. Just words, phrases like he, she, it, they. We don't f------ know. How do we know? You're making it up as you go," Arenas continued.

"It's unfair that you can cancel somebody on a playbook that only you have."

Gilbert Arenas' comments will ruffle plenty of feathers, especially within the community that he's referring to, but that is nothing new for the 41-year-old.

There is no denying that the terminology seems to be constantly changing within the LGBTQ community, which can certainly be overwhelming for anyone who wants to keep up.

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Mark covers all sports at OutKick while keeping a close eye on the world of professional golf. He graduated from the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga before earning his master's degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee. Before joining OutKick, he wrote for various outlets, including SB Nation, The Spun, and BroBible. Mark was also a writer for the Chicago Cubs Double-A affiliate in 2016, when the team won the World Series. He's still waiting for his championship ring to arrive. Follow him on Twitter @itismarkharris.