Flavor Flav Is On The Frontlines Of The Fight To Save Red Lobster And The Endangered Cheddar Bay Biscuits

I don't care for the expression, "living your best life," but I feel like in the case of Flavor Flav, it's apropos.

The man lives, sleeps, and as you'll soon see, eats the ethos of being a hype man.

He did it while Chuck D was out doing — let's be honest — most of the heavy lifting in Public Enemy, and he did it while cheering on Will Power at this year's Indianapolis 500.

Two years ago, I was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and they cut to a guy in the crowd and I said, that looks like Flavor Flav.

That's because it was Flavor Flav; sitting in the crowd with the commonfolk, "Yeah, boyeee!"-ing the Kermit The Frog balloon and the cast of whichever crappy musical they booked that year.

But what's admirable about Flav is that he is there to hype up those in need. He's already saving water polo, so what could be next on Flav's list?

Red Lobster, the beloved seafood chain currently getting keel-hauled by financial woes.

We know Red Lobster — purveyor of Cheddar Bay Biscuits and enough shrimp to put you into a coma — is down bad, with the company filing for bankruptcy and restaurants closing their doors and emptying the water from the lobster tank in the parking lot.

That was all Flav needed to know, and he sprang into action.

Flav posted a photo of himself after ordering the entire menu at Red Lobster in hopes of saving the endangered Cheddar Bay Biscuits.

The word "hero" gets thrown around a lot these days, but I don't think the folks at Red Lobster would hesitate to use it.

Indeed, it certainly was flavor time… boyeeeee.

Flavor Flav Knows That Persistence Is Key In The Fight To Save Red Lobster

But Flav wasn't done with just one visit to Red Lobster. He knows that if he's going to save the biscuits (which are sold in the grocery store and are good, but they still feel like they're missing a little magic) he's going to put in the legwork.

So, just two days later — which is about as much time as it takes to work the previous Red Lobster visit out the system, if you catch my drift — Flav triumphantly marched back into Red Lobster to continue fighting the good fight.

"Flavor Flav in the place to be, at one of his most favorite restaurants in the world: Red Lobster," he said.

If that doesn't make you want to drive out to your nearest Red Lobster (which I guarantee is in the parking lot of some sort of shopping complex, usually with a Best Buy, Target, and/or empty storefront that becomes a Spirit Halloween every fall) and join Flav in fighting the good fight to save the Cheddar Bay Biscuit, I'm not sure what will.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.