Fishing Trip Nearly Ruined As Man Narrowly Misses Getting Impaled By A Marlin

Is there anything worse than a fishing trip where you don't catch anything? Of course, there is. Taking a Marlin beak straight through the solar plexus would probably be considerably worse, and that nearly happened to an angler in a video that's been making the rounds.

 According to The New York Post, Fairhope Fishing Company had some people fishing on a boat called Jubilee, when they had a very close call with a blue marlin.

Lucky for them no one was hurt, but lucky for us, the whole thing was caught on camera and promptly thrown on TikTok for all of us to see.

 In the clip, you can see a couple of dudes reeling in a marlin which did exactly what marlins do in this situation; jump all over the place.

Nothing out of the ordinary, but what was odd, was when one of those jumps saw the fish come flying out of the water with the sharp end of it sneak — which I just learned today is also called a "rostrum" — coming straight for one of the fisherman like a javelin.

Fortunately, the beak missed the fisherman.

Unfortunately, the rest of the fish's body — and Marlin's can weigh over 200 pounds — did not miss him.

The company said everyone was okay, which is great to hear because that situation could have ended tragically.

This video got me thinking about the sport of fishing which I realized is either the most laid-back, boring sport in the world or the most dangerous activity you could ever take part in and there's no in-between.

 You're either lazily throwing a line into the lake while nursing a beer or you're on the Bering Strait hauling in crab pots. There is no middle ground.

Obviously, Marlin fishing like this is closer to the crab fishing end of the spectrum, so it's good to see no one was seriously hurt.

As for myself, if I go fishing I'm sticking with goin' down the pond and chasing blue-gills and Tommy cods…

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.