We Have Our First MLB Fan Fight Of The Season And It Involves Two Birds, A Shocking Slap & Nasty Shove

It took a day longer than I expected, but we finally have our first fan fight of the 2024 MLB season, and it's a doozy. 

Let's head out to Gavin Newsom's lawless California for this one, but it ain't where you'd expect …

Nope. Not Dodger Stadium. Congrats, LA fans! You guys are off the hook for this one. 

Instead, we'll head to San Diego, where a little kerfuffle between a man and female in the left field bleachers started with some yelling, and ended with a nasty slap and even nastier shove. 

Decent start to the fan fight MLB season

That's a solid slap to get the 2024 MLB fan fight slate started. This isn't anything crazy beyond the guy shoving a woman, which is always a no-no in my book, even if she did slap the piss out of him. But it's still a decent way to start the year. 

Remember, this is baseball. It's a marathon, not a sprint. When you have fans beating the hell out of each other during football season, you need to bring your A-game every week, because you only get so many of them. 

With baseball, you HAVE to pace yourselves. You have 162 games of this. You can't be out there wreaking havoc every night. That's just not sustainable. 

Anyway, the slap here is pretty jarring. The two middle-fingers right before it are a nice touch. I appreciated that. 

Again, though, the shove at the end is a bad move. You don't do that. Sorry, it's just not acceptable. And is that a Bud Light in his hand? If so, it explains a lot. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.