Female Cardinals Fan Distracts Everyone For Obvious Reasons, Including Announcer

He wasn't quite at Brent Musburger levels, but St. Louis Cardinals broadcaster Chip Caray dabbled in the world of "smokeshows at sporting events" last night. 

And I've gotta say … the veteran play-by-play guy pulled off maybe the smoothest transition I've ever seen in my entire life. 

I know the Caray Clan is full of play-by-play firepower – Harry, Skip & Chip (oh my!) – but I didn't know they had this in their arsenal. But kudos to Chip, and the Bally Sports camera operator, for identifying America's next star. 

Could she single-handedly save Bally Sports? I don't know. Feel like they're in pretty big trouble over there. But hey, she certainly won't hurt. 

This Cardinals fan has the makings of a star

Just an absolute professional. Coming straight out of a commercial, camera guy clearly locked in on the hot fan with massive boobs, and Chip has a decision to make. 

Does he ignore her like a square and act like all Cardinals fans watching on TV didn't just lock back in on the game? Or, does he shoot his shot and go for it?

And he nailed it. I'd imagine Grandpa Harry had a couple of these back in the day, but I'm admittedly too young to really know. I have a hunch, though. 

Who knows? Maybe you'll get to sit next to her.

How DUMB would Seat Geek be to not make this chick America's next star? I mean, I can't think of an easier marketing opportunity just lobbed up there for someone to grab and run with. 

Hope they do the right thing and make this girl a legend. At the very least, I hope the internet can actually ID this star, unlike the Oilers flasher from last week that somehow still remains a mystery. 

Good luck!

PS: this made me laugh:

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.