FBI's Kash Patel Would Like To See FBI Partner With The UFC And It's A Great Idea

FBI Director and certified Hockey Guy Kash Patel reportedly wants to see the Bureau form an unlikely partnership with the UFC, a prospect that is sure to melt some leftist brains, but really couldn't make more sense.

This seems to be the case a lot these days; things that make sense melting left-wing brains.

According to an ABC News report, Patel floated the idea of partnering with the UFC — helmed by Dana White, a good friend of the president — during a teleconference with the FBI's 55 field offices.

Patel's idea was reportedly to form a partnership that would create programs that would be aimed at helping to improve the physical fitness of the Bureau's agents.

I can already hear it now: this feels labeled for progressive rage.

You've got an idea that sounds a little goofy when you read a headline and just the headline, plus, a government agency would be partnering with a private company led by a close friend of the president and it comes at a time when tons of fat is getting trimmed across the federal government.

…But wouldn't a sane person see this as money well spent?

I mean, I would prefer FBI agents get in tip-top shape, and who better to help with that than the UFC?

I'd say flabby, out-of-shape UFC fighters are few and far between so they know a thing or two about physical fitness.

I mean, sure you could blow billions on all kinds of nonsense as we had been doing until the last few weeks, or we could spend significantly less on programs that will help agents do their jobs at a higher level, effectively making us safer and also making themselves safer on the job.

Those are wins across the board.

We'll see if it happens but I like where Patel's head is (reportedly) at.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.