Ex-NFL Player Derek Wolfe Says Animal Rights Activists Threatened Him and His Children After Ethically Hunting A Mountain Lion

The rise of knee-jerk, "woke" outrage culture has made it acceptable to stir up controversy without a salient fault at the core of the anger.

Faux outrage was back to business after former Denver Broncos defensive lineman Derek Wolfe was tasked to kill a mountain lion that had been causing trouble in a rural Colorado community.

After embarking on a hunt to take down the 200-lb. lion, Wolfe posted a picture of the result on social media, which made the PC police sirens sound off.

Wolfe had over 200+ calls made to Colorado Parks & Wildlife, reporting grievances against the ex-NFL player for killing the mountain lion, which Wolfe noted involved an entire process to ensure it was all done ethically.

But the wokesters didn't care for all of the details that made this a righteous hunt by Wolfe and attacked him in droves.

Wolfe joined Don't @ Me's Dan Dakich to discuss the surprising amount of backlash he faced for killing the mountain lion, including death threats directed at him and his children.

"I expected that some people would be upset about it because that's just the way it goes," Wolfe told Dakich.

"You can't please everybody. But the amount of hate and death threats, you know, threatening my children saying that they hope pedophiles come after my kids, and this and that, it's like, what kind of sicko are you?"

Dakich asked Wolfe when the death threats started pouring in and if there was a specific outrage campaign fomented against the Super Bowl champ.

"It started with an animal activist organization, I'm not going to say the name," Wolfe responded. "They basically enticed people to attack me on Instagram, and Twitter; added me, and then they were kind of throwing false statements out like he had no right to do this. This is murder. There's always another way, a better way. This isn't conservation, which is all false. ...

"These folks don't want to think logically. They're making their decisions emotionally."

Watch the full interview here:

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick, living in Southern California. 

AA's insights on topics ranging from cinema to food and politics transformed the lives of average folks worldwide into followers of the OutKick Way©

Trying to out-wit this writer has been likened to staring at the sun and waiting for it to blink first. 

Interests: Jeopardy, movies, Jiu-Jitsu, faith, Los Angeles. (follow @alejandroaveela on X)