ESPN Writer Slammed For Disgusting Pete Rose Headline Hours After Death

Jeff Passan, ESPN's main baseball insider (not named Buster Olney of course), was tasked earlier this week with heading up the World Wide Leader's Pete Rose coverage. 

Charlie Hustle, of course, died Monday at 83. Sad. Very sad. 

Unless you're ESPN and weirdo Jeff Passan, of course. To those two insufferable entities, Pete had it coming!

In an all-time head-scratcher of a moment – even for woke ESPN – they decided to greenlight this below column by Passan on Pete Rose – literally hours after his death. 

The body wasn't even cold yet, and Jeff here made sure to insult Pete and his family one last time before sending him off to meet his maker. 

Jeff Passan hates Pete Rose!

Hey, Charlie Hustle – good riddance, you cheater! 

– Jeff Passan, probably. 

My God. What a column here from Jeff! He could've taken the easy road and just wrote 800 words on Pete's legacy and how great of a player he was who also liked to dabble in a little sports betting. 

Great player, flawed man. There's your kicker. Easy. Next!

But no. Jeff here needed the clicks. He needed the engagement. He needed us to be talking about him, not Pete Rose, on the day Pete Rose died. So, he did what any insufferable ESPN personality would do, and penned the dumbest column possible. 

His ESPN editors back in Bristol then read it, Googled Pete to make sure he was a Trump guy – never confirmed, but the tea leaves were there – and pressed "publish" on this masterpiece. 

(Don't know if that last part is true, but I like to imagine it is)

Rose, though, believed he belonged front and center, seeing his life through the lens of his accomplishments on the field and disregarding the discoloration created by his actions.

Get him, Jeff! And by the way, for those who read this beauty on ESPN, go ahead and click on that "Bet ESPN" tab when you're done. t's right there at the top of the page, in big, green letters. They need all the subscribers they can get. 

No irony there. None. 

PS: Jeff, who tweets 1,000 times a day, still hasn't tweeted out this column to his 1.2 million followers. Wonder why!? Probably just forgot. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.