ESPN Roasted For Embarrassing NBA Finals Halftime Show

Game 1 of the NBA Finals was last night. I didn't watch a second, but the internet tells me it was your typical blowout NBA game filled with little to no drama and Stephen A. Smith weirdly walking through the tunnel beforehand as if he was getting ready to play. 

Seriously, what's with that guy? I don't get it. It's the NBA Finals, and he acts like everyone at TD Garden is there to see him. What a weirdo. 

Anyway, this isn't about Stephen A. Smith – much to his dismay! Frankly, it's not even about the Celtics winning by a billion, because that's all you pretty much need to know about the game itself. 

Nope. It's about ESPN's brutal and I mean BRUTAL halftime show that featured about as much analysis as you just got from me. And I haven't watched an NBA game since 2001. 

Rolllll tape!

ESPN pumps out awful NBA Finals halftime show

I mean, I hate the NBA. I hate ESPN. So, obviously, this is going to seem pretty biased coming from me …

… but that was the most embarrassing, pathetic thing I've ever seen from the World Wide Woke Leader, which is saying A LOT. 

Like, what are we doing here? That's it? Seriously?

Now, I think halftime shows are silly to begin with. Who sits around watching the halftime show? I use halftime to piss, eat, drink some more, do the dishes so my wife isn't pissed I'm sitting around for eight hours on a Sunday watching football, etc …

I certainly don't use it to watch highlights of a game I literally just spent 90 minutes watching. 

BUT, if I were to watch a halftime show, I'd expect a little more effort than that. I know you have to get your ads in and appease the sponsors, but maybe don't cram 76 commercials into a 15-minute segment? I don't know, just spit-balling here. 

Again, though – I don't care. Do you, NBA. I haven't watched since the Sixers-Lakers Finals in 2001 and probably won't jump back in now. 

Especially when I see crap like this pumped out by ESPN:

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.