Eagles Fan Trolls Packers With Own Version Of A Cheesehead

There is no more iconic piece of fan headgear in sports than the cheeseheads worn by Green Bay Packers fans.

So, one Philadelphia Eagles fan made sure that he traveled all the way down to Sao Paulo, Brazil for the Birds' season opener against the Packers with a cheesehead of his own and it's kind of brilliant.

I traveled to Wisconsin for the first time and was kind of stunned about the cheese game up there. Sure, I know that's their claim to fame, but it was like three aisles of nothing but various cheddars, goudas, havartis, and the occasional manchego (a personal favorite of mine) thrown into the mix for fun.

But do you know one cheese that Philadelphia is known for more than even Wisconsin?

Philadelphia cream cheese.

That simple fact gave way to this fantastic bit of good-natured trolling courtesy of one Eagles fan.

That's just brilliant. I want to spread his hat all over everything bagel.

I wish I could witness the moment this dude realized he could do this. Just a big cream cheese light bulb going off above his head, followed by a mad dash to Michaels Arts & Crafts for cardboard and foil.

It paid off because this dude's cream cheesehead is going viral and people were eating it up like a Philly roll on a sushi sampler platter.

Wow, how about that? That hat transcended one fan's hatred of the Philadelphia Eagles. This cream cheesehead is the rare troll job that brings people together.

Great job from that fan, although, I've got to say, when I think of a cheese synonymous with the City of Brotherly Love, my head doesn't go to cream cheese, it goes to Cheez Whiz.

I guess it's a little bit harder to turn gloppy Cheez Whiz into a hat.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.