EA Sports Puts Hat Trick Of Hughes Brothers On NHL 25 Cover

We've got an answer (kind of) as to who will be gracing the cover of this year's installment in EA Sports' long-running NHL series — NHL 25 — and it turns out it will be not one, not two, but three — count 'em, three! — Hughes brothers.

That's right. Quinn Hughes of the Vancouver Canucks and Jack and Luke Hughes of the New Jersey Devils will be on the cover of the new game's deluxe edition.

First of all, can we all take a moment to appreciate that EA Sports told Quinn Hughes to pack the Flying Skate jersey for that cover photo? That's already a phenomenal call on its part.

According to EA Sports' press release, this marks the first time siblings have ever been on the cover of one of their games together. That's a big honor, and I think the Hughes-es-es are deserving.

Jack and Quinn are two of the best players in the league right now, and after his rookie season in 2023-24, Luke showed that he has what it takes to be one of the top D-men in the NHL.

I'm going to say it right now: there's a lot of blue-line talent across the NHL which makes picking Norris Trophy candidates very difficult, but I wouldn't be surprised if, at some point in the next few years, two of the candidates in the same season are Quinn and Luke.

Not saying it'll happen, just saying it wouldn't surprise me, especially after Quinn won it just this season.

Now, as for the game itself, EA Sports also released a trailer. 

Yup… that's an NHL game.

I'll be honest with you, I'm not sure how much has changed. They're talking about how this game has improved AI, and I'm sure that's true, but I'm not sure that's enough to make me place a pre-order.

I bought NHL 24 when it was heavily discounted on Black Friday (or Cyber Monday; some made-up shopping holiday in late November) and that'll probably be the move again this year.