Dramatic Bubba Wallace Causes A Scene, NASCAR Champ Cusses Out His Boss & Racing Vet Caught In Huge Explosion

Wet, wild and chippy … just how I liked my spring breaks back in the day, and just how I like my NASCAR races today. 

And that's exactly what we got yesterday at New Hampshire! Credit to the folks over in Loudon. I love making fun of that place, mainly because the racing hasn't exactly been edge-of-you-seat stuff in recent years (ever). 

But we got some solid, sollllllllllllid drama yesterday, complete with f-bombs, pit box blocks, drivers telling their own team to politely (not really) shut the hell up, and hey, we ran an actual automobile race in the rain! Sort of. Kinda. 

I don't know, everyone bitched about it – stunning! – but I thought NASCAR did a decent job given the circumstances. 

And you know me – I HATE defending NASCAR! That's not #content. But fair is fair, and I thought they did fine yesterday. 

The NASCAR community – and I'm including the insufferable media – loves to complain. Whatever. You saw a good race yesterday and they ran on a wet track. Did it take too long to actually go back green? Sure. But they got there, so get over it. 

What else? Well, I've got Natalie Decker absolutely dominating her pool this summer, enough mail in the PO box to last us a week, and the wildest crash down in the NHRA you'll ever see. 

You know it's gonna be a day when the NHRA makes an appearance! First time for everything. We don't discriminate against motorsports around here … unless it's F1 of course. Bunch of pansies. 

Four tires, four more rain tires, and some of that Sunoco racing fuel just in case … Monday Morning Pit-Stop – the ‘Rain, Rain, Go Away, The Angry, Bitter, Pissed Off NASCAR Drivers Wanna Play’ edition – is LIVE!

Kyle Larson was one angry NASCAR driver at New Hampshire 

We could start in a million different places. Lord knows we had enough anger to go around at Loudon. But I feel like this little outburst from Kyle Larson deserves the lead-off spot today. 

Why? Well, you just don't see Kyle Larson get angry … really, ever. The guy is as even-keeled as he is short. And for those who haven't ever seen Kyle, that's very. 

But, for some reason – and I'm not even sure if that was an actual outburst or just somewhat of a joke – he LIT up his spotter about midway through yesterday's race:

Actually, you know what? He ain't joking. And he ain't really angry at his spotter. He's angry at himself, because Denny Hamlin has basically made him his bitch this summer – sorry, but there's truly no other way to put it – and Kyle has done absolutely nothing about it. 

Hell, it dates back further than this year. 

This is from last summer:

That was Pocono of last year, and Kyle actually retaliated – a bit. Wait, there's more! Again, from last year – last SPRING, actually!

For those keeping count at home, that's two from last year – by my count – and this from last week at Iowa:

From angry Kyle to angry, dramatic Bubba Wallace

Now, both drivers said after that one that it was really nobody's fault, so I reckon I'll give it a pass. That being said, Kyle telling his spotter to piss off after getting dealt some cold, hard truth is really just him being done with Denny. But he won't do anything about it. 

Time to let those nuts drop and become a man, Kyle Larson. Time to send Denny into next week and let the chips fall where they may. The content would be great for us, and, frankly, I think it would be somewhat therapeutic for you. Let's dance. 

And if you need some tips on how to attack the hell out of someone and be super dramatic about it along the way, just ask Bubba Wallace! 

Kyle Busch is the most miserable NASCAR driver on the planet right now

That last one was funny. Credit where credit is due, and Bubba calling out NASCAR because they weirdly refused to run the RAIN TIRES after it stopped raining for the first 45 minutes was good stuff. We appreciate that sort of content around here, so kudos to Bubba. 

As for the Gragson deal … I'm not sure Noah did anything wrong there? He got loose because the track was soaked and slid up the track into Bubba and Co. Right? Am I seeing that wrong?

Fine! Let me know at Zach.Dean@OutKick.com. Gulp. Asking y'all a Bubba-related question is opening the angriest Pandora's Box in this history of time. Should be a blast!

Speaking of anger … how DONE is Kyle Busch with this POS NASCAR season? The guy simply cannot finish a race, catch a break, lead a lap, or have a stress-free Sunday. It's just not possible at this point. 

He basically threw his team under the bus before last week's race by opening the door for a JGR return, and then crashed 45 times yesterday – including once UNDER CAUTION!

Angry Ryan Blaney is BACK!

I included that last one in there because Kevin is 100% right. KB putting that out there in the middle of a season is just a wild move. And then to back it up by having just another awful race at Loudon? Whoooooooooooooooooooooof. 

PS: you can't convince me Kyle didn't just park it yesterday under caution because he wanted to get the hell outta there. I would've, too, by the way. Business decision. Time to go home to Queen Samantha and let nature take over. 

Speaking of queens … no, sorry – not Hooters Gianna content today. I know. Sad. We have Natalie in a bit, so relax! 

I do have Ryan Blaney back to being angry as all get-out, though! Decent consolation prize:

Mail time, pool time, and what a wreck

"Very low percentage move that didn't work out" is certainly one way to put it. I prefer the language he used in the heat of battle when he called Mikey a moron, but whatever. 

I'm with Blaney on this one, by the way. What exactly did McDowell think the end result was gonna be on a wet track with a move like that? I get it, because you gotta GO with 10 to go, but also … yeah, that wasn't gonna work. 

Oh well. Congrats to Christopher Bell on the big win. And hey! That was easily the longest we've ever gone without mentioning the actual winner of the race. 

Don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing. I mean, y'all watched it. You know who won. If you want the same (woke) NASCAR coverage that everyone else is providing today, go check out the (woke) AP or (woke) ESPN. You ain't here to read about Christopher Bell getting the big win. You don't care about Christopher Bell. Just be honest. 

Speaking of being honest … let's quickly check the mail because I was traveling last week and didn't get to really respond to anyone. 

First up? A WHOPPER of a take from Johnson City Doug:

Time to put it out there. Get the smelling salts and AEDs ready.

I know I’m not alone in feeling this way. In hushed whispers, I’ve heard similar things said. Perhaps I’m just the only one crazy enough to publicly WRITE IT. ha ha.

Not having Dale Jr. on the NBC broadcast is a welcome relief.

YUP. I said it and I’m not taking it back.


Jeff Burton AND Dale Jr. together were practically UNBEARABLE. It was like a never-ending contest to see who could out "sound like fingernails on a chalkboard" the other. I even nicknamed them "The Testicle Twins" because once they got going it was like their nether regions were being slowly cranked into a vice. 

Nowwwww. I’ll admit, my preference would have been for Jeff Burton to leave vs. Dale Jr but I’ll gladly take what relief I can get.

Thanks, JCD! Holy cow. What a take! I love it. I respect the hell out of hot takes, but don't make them just to make them. Have some conviction in what you're saying, however dumb it may be. 

Don't get me wrong, Doug is wrong here. Dale Jr. was the only listenable part of the NBC broadcast – although Letarte's actually growing on me – and Jeff Burton is truly the worst. 

But, he did give us "Testicle Twins," which I will now be using going forward. Thanks, Doug!

Now, let's go to John in PA:

GRAGSON, the guy who caused a multimillion dollar wreck fest at Road America 2 years ago in the Xfinity race, calling another guy a moron? I wouldn't let him drive my old beat-up 1968 Ford pickup I use for snow plowing. 

Some of these young piss-ants could use a tune up from Smoke or one of the other real drivers from the days of REAL NASCAR racing. 

Thanks, Pennsylvania John! 100% agree on the second part. It's probably part of the reason why Smoke is leaving the sport, for the most part, altogether. Nick Saban had enough of the ungrateful Gen-Zers at Alabama, and Smoke had enough in NASCAR. Don't blame him, either. 

OK – two quickies on the way out. First up? How about this insane wreck down in the NHRA yesterday:

I mean, just bonkers. Just an unreal failure there, and the guy is 75?! Legend. Today's driver would never.! They'd probably take a year-long sabbatical for mental health reasons. Am I right, John in PA?!

Give 'em hell in that hospital, John Force. See you back at the track soon. 

And maybe Natalie Decker will even be there to greet you? Lord knows you'd like it. 

She takes us home today, and into Nashville this Sunday. See you then. 

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.