Donald Trump Mocks Brittney Griner Over National Anthem Stance

Donald Trump sat down with Logan Paul this week for nearly an hour, and, I'll be honest with you, it may have been Trump's best interview ever. 

That's not shtick. It's not hyperbole. I'm not near the Trump fan I was eight years ago – I'm more of a DeSantis guy now, but we're all on the same team! – but even I can admit, he crushed this one. The former (future?) president talked about anything and everything, from UFC, to UFOs, to crooked Hilary!

Perhaps my favorite part, though, took place about 30 minutes in, when Trump took Joe Biden to the woodshed over his awful trade with Russia for Brittney Griner. While doing so, he also mocked Griner for kneeling during the national anthem before spending a year in a Russian prison. 

Here's the full interview. The Griner stuff takes place starting at the 29-minute mark:

Donald Trump dominates Brittney Griner in Logan Paul interview 

"He made the swap … for the basketball player that wouldn't stand up during the national anthem. She thought that was a good time to tie her sneakers. That was not exactly the greatest trade. He gave six billion – billion, with a B – on top of everything. They don't know what they're doing."

Hilarious. She thought that was a good time to tie her sneakers is such a sneaky snide at Brittney Griner. So calculated. Could you imagine Joe Biden trying to be funny like that? He wouldn't even get through the actual sentence to complete the joke. 

Anyway, the ‘trade’ Trump's referring to took place in Dec. 2022, when Biden pulled the trigger on Russia's offer to exchange Brittney Griner for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, aka ‘The Merchant of Death.'

The internet erupted at the news, comparing the deal to some of the awful moves Bill O'Brien used to make during his glory days in Houston – which was a perfect response from the internet, by the way. I thought it felt a little more like the infamous Cowboys-Vikings trade back in 1989, but whatever. To each their own. 

As for the national anthem stuff … Griner famously said back in the summer of 2020 – what an AWFUL summer that was, huh? – that she didn't think the national anthem should be played during the WNBA season, adding that she would not be on the court for the anthem if it were to continue to be played before games. 

Oddly enough, she decided to stand for the anthem upon her return to this great country last year. Weird how that works. 

PS: … this:



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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.