Dodgers Remove Award From Anti-Catholic Drag Group After Letter From Marco Rubio

After substantial public outcry, the Los Angeles Dodgers will follow common sense on giving an award to an anti-Catholic drag group.

The drag group, called The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, was set to receive an award from the team as part of their Pride Night celebration.

The "sisters" use “go and sin some more" as their motto, and frequently dress as Jesus and Mary.

Senator Marco Rubio helped bring the Dodgers' absurd plans to light in a letter earlier this week. Rubio sent the letter directly to Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred expressing his concerns.


Other concerns Rubio mentioned included "mocking the Stations of the Cross and even the Eucharist."

After the letter and public attention, the Dodgers announced on Wednesday that they were removing the award from the group.

Rubio celebrated the announcement, saying "for once, common sense prevailed in California."

It's a clear win for sanity and against the absurdity of exclusionary "inclusivity."

Dodgers Caught Excluding Christians From 'Inclusive' Celebration

It's outstanding that the Dodgers decided to remove an award from an offensive group. But it's telling that they considered it an acceptable decision in the first place.

In the now obsessive desire to appeal to modern progressive ideology, organizations and corporations are often obviously willing to offend those with traditional values.

And generally, they get away with it.

But the Bud Light backlash and now this victory show that there is value in pushing back against woke demands.

MLB itself allowed pressure from liberal activists like Stacey Abrams to influence their decision to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta. Despite the fact that Abrams was spreading misinformation about election integrity legislation. And that subsequent elections proved them wrong.

Manfred, despite showing little remorse, has claimed he wants the league and teams to avoid being politically biased.

That's all fans want out of sports leagues: objectivity and political disinterest.

Rubio's letter exposed that the Dodgers were clearly willing to contradict that directive. And while it's outstanding that they changed course, the fact it was even necessary is disappointing.

Still, it's a substantial win for sanity and common sense in sports, something that's unfortunately become increasingly rare.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.