Did Ole Miss Player Fake This Nasty Injury? You Be The Judge!

You remember last week when Kirk Herbstreit went OFF on college football players and teams that fake injuries to buy some time?

He called it disgusting and immoral and very nasty behavior? Well, don't worry, Herbie … I've got an Ole Miss injury from this afternoon that is totally NOT what you were talking about!

If you're squeamish about this kind of stuff, look away. Log out now. Hit that red x in the top right corner and get the heck outta here, because this is downright nasty. 

Ole Miss running back Matt Jones went DOWN in the first half Saturday against Kentucky after suffering one of the most gruesome injuries I've ever seen, and I've covered a lot of college football. 

Brace yourselves: 


Well, did he?

Hilarious. My God, somewhere, Herbie's head just exploded into a million little pieces. He's furious right now. 

Look, this stuff doesn't bother me like it does him because, mainly … it's funny. I like funny things, and faking injuries like this is hilarious to me. 

Just a blatant disregard for the cameras and the 80,000 people in attendance. Ole Miss doesn't care. They needed to buy some time, Lane Kiffin didn't wanna burn a timeout in a tight game, so Matt here just hit the deck like he was just struck by a sniper. 

Veteran move, if you ask me. Savvy stuff from a team full of savvy vets. 

In case you missed it, by the way, here's Kirk from last week's Tennessee game absolutely laying into all the fakers out there:

And just in case you thought Kirk was full of crap a week ago, here's your proof. Right there. Absolute masterclass today from Ole Miss and RB Matt Jones. 

Unethical? Maybe. Funny? Every time. 

God bless college football. Go Rebs!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.