Dick Vitale Reveals Cancer Diagnosis Again - Vows To Win Battle

Legendary college basketball broadcaster Dick Vitale announced that his cancer had returned yet again but promised fans he would continue to fight on.

Vitale revealed the sad news via social media that a recent biopsy on the lymph nodes in his neck came back as cancerous and that he would be undergoing surgery this coming Tuesday.


For some reason, God is acting like one of the worst referees ever against Vitale and giving him all sorts of grief.

The 85-year-old's latest cancer will be the fourth type that he has had to fight since 2021 - in what started as melanoma and then lymphoma. In true Dicky V fashion, the GOAT broadcaster would chronicle his cancer battle and keep fans updated on the good days and tough days during his treatment.

Many times the news was positive - announcing that he had defeated lymphoma in the fall of 2021. However, just months later, he was then diagnosed with vocal cord cancer and had to go undergo radiation treatment. But, just like some of the great basketball dynasties that we all heard him cover throughout his 40+ years while broadcasting at courtside, Vitale was able to beat that cancer as well - vowing to return to the ESPN college basketball booth this coming season.


"My report on the Biopsy of the Lymph Node in my neck has arrived & it is cancerous," Vitale wrote about his recent lymph node cancer diagnosis. "With all the prayers I have received & the loving support of my family, friends & ESPN colleagues I will win this battles. [I Pray] that Surgery on Tuesday will be a success. "Thanks for all the prayers," Vitale tweeted.

The gut-wrenching news comes just days after Vitale texted our own OutKick reporter Glenn Guilbeau and gave him a positive outlook on his recovery from the vocal cord surgery.

"I can only text…Doc wants me to only do what I must do verbally," Vitale began before adding that he had just been informed that his recovery was going "beautifully" from his vocal surgeons.

"My goal, if everything proceeds as we hope, will be to broadcast a game in November," Vitale continued in his text. "The best medicine I can receive would be sitting courtside talking basketball. That would be my PERSONAL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP."

One thing's for certain - Dick Vitale has millions of fans rooting and praying for him and when that day comes when he returns to the broadcast microphone, move over Jordan - this is the biggest come back story ever!

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.