Devils Drop Hilarious Schedule Reveal With Professor Dougie Hamilton

The NHL schedule has officially dropped and the New Jersey Devils — who appear to be in a better mood than they should be after a disappointing season — did it in style with a very funny video featuring defenseman Dougie Hamilton.

The schedule reveal arms race is a big deal in the NFL with teams working overtime to see who can create the most viral release video. While that doesn't happen to the same degree in the NHL, teams do try to get creative with it.

For the Devils, that meant getting Dougie Hamilton on the blower, throwing a crooked Groucho mustache on him, and then having him read some lines while pointing at a giant map.

There were some great shots taken at other teams and their home states. I've cherry-picked a couple of the best ones for you, but I find it hard to believe you don't have 3 minutes, 45 seconds to spare so you can watch the whole thing.

"Pennsylvania. Home of the Penguins and the Flyers," Hamilton said. "Penguins have wings but can't fly. Flyers have wings but aren't a real thing. Nothing in this state makes sense."

The Devils also took a shot at one of their biggest rivals, the New York Rangers.

"New York City. Home of the New York Times, who once voted the best pizza in New York to be from Razza," Hamilton said. "Which, like the Statue of Liberty, is in New Jersey."

Even the dear departed Arizona Coyotes got a shutout when it came time to mention the Devils' two dates with the Utah Hockey Club.

"Arizona. The desert in the West… Utah? I don't know anything about Utah," Hamilton said.

There was a Curtis Lazar cameo in that video for good measure, and all in all, that was a fun way to unveil the schedule.

Will this season be as disappointing as last year for the Devils? I don't think so, but I thought they'd be a shoo-in for the playoffs last season, so who knows?

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.