The Daytona 500 Could Be In Big Trouble, NASCAR Wife Loses Her Bathing Suit & Amy Earnhardt Turns On America

Yep, we're still here! Somehow. We haven't had a NASCAR race in weeks, yet here I am, grinding for everyone on a Monday in early-August while the rest of the country watches the stock market and gets ready for a recession. 

You know what I say to that? Hell, us poor folk have been in a recession for years now! Ain't gonna make a difference to us. No use in worrying about that nonsense. Let's talk NASCAR wives in Italy and the Daytona 500 instead. 

Frankly, that sounds like a waaaaaaaay better way to start the week anyway. It's certainly more fun to look at. Trust me on that one. 

So that's what we're gonna do today. We don't take weeks off just because NASCAR is in the middle of a two-week Olympics break. The other woke media folks may, but we don't. We grind for you during the downtime because that's what great Patriots do! 

So, let's grind as we enter the last race-less days until November. That's right. Starting Sunday, it's all gas, no brakes for the rest of the season. Let's roll. 

We're gonna talk about the Daytona 500 today, because there's a legit chance it could switch dates, and that feels like something we should discuss. 

I'd also like to check in Hooters in Gianna in the Caribbean and Samantha Busch in Italy. That cool with you? The two Queens of NASCAR are living like royalty during their bye weeks, and we appreciate that around here. 

Speaking of NASCAR Queens – we'll also check in with Amy Earnhardt on the way out, because she's coming off a big cameo on Dale's podcast that grabbed everyone's attention. 

Whew. Off week-schmoff week!

Two tires only this week (the rubber's still good, we've barely done anything!), a splash of Sunoco racing fuel, and maybe a new bathing suit for Sam Busch … Monday Morning Pit-Stop – the ‘My 401K Is Under A Yellow Flag Today' edition – is LIVE!

Could the Daytona 500 be moved for the actual Super Bowl?

So, we don't have a ton of actual news today. Unless you count girls in bikinis as news, in which case we are LOADED. But beyond that? I mean, there hasn't been an actual lap of racing since Joe Biden was still running for reelection. Yeah, it's been a while. 

But, we do have this – and I think it's pretty major: the Daytona 500 could be in serious jeopardy of losing its normal Sunday time slot. 

That ain't shtick or a bit or hyperbole. That's real!

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said earlier this year that he favored an 18-game season, adding that he envisions a lengthened schedule that would culminate in a Presidents Day weekend built around the Super Bowl on Sunday night.

Hey, Roger – don't know if you know, but there's already a pretty big event that weekend. It's been on that Sunday for a billion years now, and it's the biggest race of the NASCAR season. You ever heard of the Daytona 500? Look it up, then!

Look, I'm gonna be honest with you guys …. this is gonna happen. It's not a matter of if, but when. The NFL rules all. Remember when the NBA owned Christmas Day? Not anymore. That's the NFL's now, too. 

And you know what? I'm all in on it. Sorry, but I just am. I love the NFL. I love Super Bowl Sunday. If it falls on a Sunday when we also happen to get that Monday off, that can't be a bad thing. It just can't. 

As for the Daytona 500 … I mean, it seems relatively simple to me. Either move it up or back a week. There. Fixed it. NASCAR is always off the Sunday before Daytona, anyway. 

They run the Busch Clash, then take a week off – for the Super Bowl! – and then start their season. 

So, start your season a week earlier, when the NFL is off, or start it a week later … when the NFL is off. Dealer's choice. 

Or, hang your nuts on the table and run the damn thing at the same time as the Super Bowl! To beat the man … you have to beat the man! NASCAR vs. the NFL, who ya got in the TV ratings? Anyone? Bueller? 

Yeah, thought so. Move the damn thing and suck it up. Trust me, we'll all still watch. I promise. 

Amy Earnhardt had a big week

Good luck competing with that, Goodell! Hooters girls and Dale Jr.? You stand no chance!

Wait? What? Hooters is now out of NASCAR because they're bankrupt thanks to Joe Biden's shitty economy? Nevermind then! Carry on. 

Would you be OK if the Super Bowl replaced the Daytona 500? 

Ok, let's leave Daytona for just a bit – we're getting some rain down here today, if you haven't heard – and head up to Charlotte, where Amy Earnhardt joined Dale Jr.'s podcast last week and put on a masterclass of a performance. 

Junior liked to party back in the day – haven't you heard?! – but this Amy seems like a damn pistol and one I 100% wouldn't cross at home:

Solid weekend from the ARCA guys and gals

Let's quickly check the social media comments to see how the folks like Amy's appearance:

She needs her own show!

Amy is literally a National Treasure. 

Even with headphones you look so beautiful. 

She's the Queen. 

Jr. has had a lot of accomplishments but getting Amy to say "YES" and marry him is his greatest one. 

Amy your personality is awesome n your beautiful. 

I could've fixed the spelling on that last one, but I chose not to, because I appreciate authenticity. This is America, after all (whatever that means). 

Anyway, Amy Earnhardt had NASCAR fans on edge all week as more and more clips came out, and she never disappointed. She's a pistol. Can't wait to see how her career progresses!

OK, let's quickly get to some actual racing on the track – seriously! – from this past weekend before we check in with Vacation Sam & Gianna.

Hooters Gianna and Samantha Busch take us into a big week

God, I love short tracks like that. I don't know that it would ever work with this stupid Next Gen car, but I'd love to see the elite NASCAR guys on it. Three-wide across the stripe? Insane. 

And Roger thinks he can take the Daytona 500 from us! Ha. Good luck, loser!

OK, that's it for today. I know, an abbreviated day, but we also haven't raced in two weeks. Give me a break. 

That being said, we are BACK, starting this Sunday night in Richmond. Can't wait. We've got, like, three weeks left until the regular season finale. Strap in, folks. 

In the meantime, let's go diving with Hooters Gianna and Samantha Busch on the way out. Hey, Kyle! Little loosey-goosey with those hands. 

See you next week. 


Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.