Dale Earnhardt's Daughter Vividly Relives Strict Upbringing

You remember when you were a kid, and you'd gather 'round the dinner table with ma, pa and the rest of the family for a hearty supper?

Well, so does Dale Earnhardt Jr. and sister, Kelley – and it wasn't all ham & eggs. Not with Dale Earnhardt Sr. strapped in tight at the head of the table, waiting for some combination of Teresa and Brenda Lorraine Jackson to come over and say grace. 

That, of course, is according to Kelley Earnhardt Miller, who sat down for nearly 90 minutes earlier this week with former NASCAR driver – and longtime Earnhardt family friend – Kenny Wallace. 

The interview is great from start to finish, as most Kenny Conversations are. But, if you're looking to really get some insight into the Earnhardt childhood home, I'd suggest skipping ahead to the 40-minute mark.

 While talking about how much Dale Jr. has grown over the past decade, Kelley touches on just how much of a "yes-man" her brother used to be … and why. 

"In Dale's world, he was always used to being told what to do," she said of Junior. "Sponsorships, driving, business, that's what drove it. It started with dad, who always told us what to do.

"When you went to dinner with my dad, you stood around the table to wait for him to tell you where to sit. You didn't just sit down."

Dale Earnhardt didn't care about your mental health

I mean, I can't get enough of old Dale Earnhardt stories. It's not possible. There's just something about envisioning the inner-workings of the Earnhardt house growing up that fascinates me. 

Dale Sr. was a badass on the track. He scared the piss out of everyone, especially after he became an established star in the sport. Dale was NASCAR for about 20 years, give or take. 

But you never know how these guys are off the track, right? Was it all an act? Were they softies back at home? Did Earnhardt wreck Terry Labonte at Bristol, only to then go back home and be a wuss? 

Nope. He sounds like the most stereotypical 1950-1980 father ever. You say yes sir, yes ma'am, and you don't talk back. And you'll sit when, where, and how, I tell you to sit. 

And if you're thinking to yourself, ‘You know what? Dale probably just put on this act during dinner.’ Guess what? You'd be wrong. 

If you scroll back just a touch in the above video to around the 35-minute mark, you'll hear Kelley talk about her daddy's feelings on mental health. 

That's a big thing in this country right now. It, however, was NOT back then. 

"If you move through decades, our world is just changing so fast," she said. "The ability to talk about ‘mental health’ is there now. I didn't have anyone to talk to about my feelings when I was a kid. My dad said, ‘You do this, you do it this way, and you do it now.’

"And if you don't do it, 'You don't get this. I'll bust your ass, and you don't get this.'" 

Inject it straight into my veins. I'm 31. I grew up with this father. Hated it then, but respect the hell out of it now. 

Anyway, I guess there's no real point to this story beyond reminding everyone that Dale Earnhardt didn't give a shit about your feelings or if you stood during dinner. 

We lost a good one. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.