For those wondering how Dale Earnhardt Jr. felt about NASCAR inexplicably giving Kyle Busch his spot back even after he crashed last week at Nashville … rest easy, I have an answer for you! He ain't thrilled about it. While most of you were out grilling and drinking Thursday, Junior was busy going off on NASCAR for the move, which has been pretty universally criticized by everybody and their mother (grandmother?). Frankly, yours truly may be the only one on this planet that didn't hate it, and that's only because I like drama and Kyle Busch. But other than that, yeah – everybody was pissed over it. Including Dale Earnhardt Jr., who took a blowtorch to NASCAR over the decision on his Dale Jr. podcast. "I don’t understand how he gets it back," Earnhardt said. "I watched the guy go up and hit the wall. I know he didn’t drive into the wreck, he didn’t hit the one car that was spinning out in front of him, but he did go up the racetrack, make contact with the outside wall. In that moment for me, he’s in the wreck." And for those of you who say Dale doesn't know his ass from his elbow (great saying!), think again. The same thing happened to him when he was racing years ago at Watkins Glen. "That was (expletive) then, and it’s (expletive) today," Earnhardt continued. "I don’t care what you tell me. I watched a guy crash into the wreck. He’s done. He’s going to finish in the back. No way his ass gets put back in his position like nothing happened to him." Here's the entire download, but the Kyle Busch discussion starts at the 58-minute mark: Dale Earnhardt Jr. destroys NASCAR, but I'm not so sure Yeah, I think I'm with Dale on this one, which isn't shocking because I tend to side with Dale Jr. on just about everything when it comes to NASCAR. I feel like no other ex-athlete in any other sport has the sort of pull or voice that Dale Earnhardt Jr. has. The guy has been retired for like seven years now, and he's still the voice for not only NASCAR fans, but also drivers. True story. When Dale talks, folks listen. It was true when he raced and it's true today. For those who missed it, here's the Kyle Busch wreck from last Sunday that NASCAR deemed … not a wreck, even though he was included in the incident report! You know what? Maybe I'm BACK with my original thought that I'm actually … on NASCAR's side, here! Take that, losers. After watching the replay, I can see a path where Kyle Busch gets his spot back. He wasn't really involved in the wreck, there was no real contact made, and he slowed down just to avoid sending Ross Chastain into next week. I can see it, and if you really look hard enough, you will, too. Thoughts?