Dale Earnhardt Jr. Blames Cup Series Driver For Getting Him Addicted To Legos

Dale Earnhardt Jr. recently revealed that he's been hooked on snapping together some Danish bricks, and NASCAR Cup Series regular William Byron is behind his newly developed Lego habit.

The NASCAR great will be joining both the Prime Video and TNT broadcast crews next Cup Series season, but until then he needs some more stuff to do, apparently. That appears to be where Legos come in. He talked about how he has been throwing money at his obsession.

"I bought the Titanic Lego set," Earnhardt said. "We got it started, we had a little update last week. I left it at the house. I feel like it has to stay there. But I bought some more sets."

I love that Dale Jr. jumped straight into the deep end of the Lego pool. They have little models of French bulldogs or little sportscars, but he was like, "No, that giant model of the Titanic? Yeah," we're going to get things rolling with that."

Earnhardt then revealed that the man who pushed him into this block habit was none other than the driver of the No. 24 Hendrick Motorsports Chevrolet Camaro.

"Blaming Byron for all of this,"  "William Byron, I appreciate you. Great job in the Cars Tours this weekend at Caraway; second place finish. Awesome job, but he's costing me with all these Lego sets."

Earnhardt rattled off what sets were incoming and he's going to be busy clicking bits of plastic together for months to come.

"We got the Millennium Falcon coming, which is kind of like the second-largest set next to the Titanic. Lot of pieces, thousands. We got the Batman Animated Series set, which is kind of like a shadowbox of the Batman cave. It's really neat. We also got the Ghostbusters car, the Back to the Future car, and a retro 50s-style radio. So, Byron, you're an assh--e. But I love these Legos." 

It seems there have been quite a few people getting bit by the brick bug in recent years, and Earnhardt's the latest.

Well, at least you're Lego obsession isn't too bad until you start allegedly trafficking stolen sets.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.