Credit To ESPN For Making Us All Watch An LSU Player Get His Dislocated Ankle Popped Back In On Live TV
Big night last night, as you all know. New Year's Eve, while not my cup of tea given that I'm 31 with two kids, is a big one in the US of A.
So, while many of you were out partying your brains off, I was stuck at home grilling filets and scallops (way better), and watching college football like a real patriot.
Now, last night's playoff game stunk, as all of them have. Is it time to go back to four teams yet? Who knows. It's probably a conversation worth having at this point, because yikeeeeeeees.
Anyway, the game before it – LSU/Baylor – was a decent little game until LSU's Whit Weeks shredded his ankle on live TV. Tough thing to watch.
Lucky for you, ESPN not only showed the replay a billion times, but also allowed us to watch – in real-time! – the athletic trainer come onto the field and pop this sucker right back into place.
What a way to start 2025!
Tough look for ESPN here, but you have to respect it
My God. Those are usually the moments when the announcers go, ‘We’re not going to show this for obvious reasons,' or something like that. But not last night. Not this ESPN crew. Nope.
Instead, we got the full-on POV, baby! No disclaimer. No graphic warning. No labels. Just modern medicine at its finest. Pop that sucker back in and let's get back to work.
Love it. Love this move from ESPN. This is Trump's America again. No more whining or pussy-footing around. You're gonna watch an ankle get popped back in on live TV, and you're gonna like it.
Great end to 2024, even better start to 2025. Shoutout to Whit Weeks, too. Guy is an absolute stud and this was just a brutal way to end the year. Frankly, it doesn't help the "NoBoDy ShOuLd opT Out" crowd, either. Tough look for them.
Thank God for NIL money.